First choose a background image!

In the first step you choose an image from your computer as an background image for your gift certificate or voucher. If you are on your smartphone you may also make a photo directly with your facecam. Upload this picture as a background image for your voucher (green button).


for some cool drinks
in the sun on my veranda! 🍹

no. 181788468
made on

Delete your data

All data you enter, as well as the pictures might you upload, gets deleted automatically after 2-3 hours.

Bild: Use the button below the voucher to delete data immediatly.
Use the button below the voucher to delete data immediatly.

How to delete data immediately?

Of cause you don't have to wait the 2-3 hours until your data gets deleted automatically. You might also delete your data immediately just by clicking the button below the voucher. To find it just have a look at the picture.

This is not just because of the European General Data Protection Regulation. There are further good reasons for deleting your data and images.

Some reasons for deleting data

Avoid manipulation of your voucher

To be honest it is unlikely, but it's possible. You remember Murphys Law?
If you make your donate directly after creation of the voucher, this means before 2-3 hours for automatically deletion are over, the recipient could access your voucher by it's number and manipulate it. If you delete your data after you downloaded your voucher nobody can access this data anymore.

Maybe your gift certificate is very private

As already said, it's very unlikely that somebody guesses your vouchers number within the 3 hours as a maximum. Well, make the test yourself and try to access somebody others voucher by typing a number into the box on the right at the navigation bar.
Anyway, you might feel uncomfortable if your very private gift certificate is out there somewhere on the internet.
However, if you have worries just delete your data after creation of your voucher and feel fine again😃.

I'm not interested in your data! will not store or use any kind of data given by users for longer than 3 hours. The only reason for storing data is providing best possible service to users.